PWSB Contributes $2,500 to improvements at Marie Kraus Park

Marie Kraus Park Needs and Ways to Donate

The Marie Kraus Park in the Village of Fredonia is popular among soccer players, outdoor enthusiasts, and disc golf fans. Unfortunately this park lacks much-needed restrooms and a storage facility. To help build these facilities with a price tag of $40,000, the Village has contributed $10,000, and Port Washington State Bank has donated $2,500. To generate additional funds, the WSC is conducting fund raisers. Moreover, they are hoping others in the community will consider giving to this worthy cause. Materials, labor, or monetary donations are greatly appreciated. For additional details, email or call 262-388-1431 or 920-838-4228. To send a check, please make it payable to Waubedonia Soccer Club and mail to 281 Forest Street, Fredonia, WI 53021.



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